Frage stellen

Nochmal : Bartender - Tammy
Öffnen mit IE , folgende Eingaben möglich , ggf neue testen !!
balls, belly, be brave, bend over, bottle, box, can, cowgirl, dance, dog, duff, drink a beer, eat a banana, exercise, fight, give me your number, guitar, guys, hair, handstand, head, hey, hello, hummer, jiggle, jump, kiss a girl, laugh, lick, lie on the bar, light, lips, love, magic, model, muscle, party, phone, pillow fight, pitcher, playboy, pole dance, pour, pout, pushup, rap, remove shoes, rock, rope, rotate, serve, shake, sing, sleep, splits, stretch, strip, surf, switch, talk, tap dance, tickle, tie shoes, wave, yoga, kiss me, pour a beer on yourself, tongue, math, chance your place, maccarena,

Antworten zu Nochmal : Bartender - Tammy:

immer wieder ein Hit

write, aerobic, ....., frech..... kommt meist das selbe bei raus ;-)

oder der

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