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Suse: Suse Linux und Laptop


Ein Freund von mir hat sich ein Laptop gekauft und fragt ob sich Suse Linux dort ohne Probleme installieren läßt.
Es handelt sich um ein Toshiba Satelite Laptop A30-554, mit einen 2,6 Intel Celeron Prozessor, einer 40 GB Festplatte und 256 MB RAM. Dazu kommt noch ein CD/RW/DVD Laufwerk und ein internes 56K Modem!
Mein Freund möchte gerne auch beide Betriebssyteme auf diesen Rechner haben!

Ist dies ohne große Probleme möglich, da er dann auch absoluter Linux-Anfänger ist?
Ich habe ihm die Suse 9.1 Pro oder die 9.2 Starter Kit Version angeboten und er ist sehr interressiert.

Danke sehr für Eure Antworten und vielleicht gibt es ja dann einen Linux User mehr, auf dieser Welt ;-)!

Gruß Newbie

Antworten zu Suse: Suse Linux und Laptop:


auf der Toshiba Homepage gibt es eine Tabelle was mit welchem Modell mit Linux geht ( nicht immer aktuell). Genaues kannst Du auch hier nachlesen: (die schon übersetzten Beiträge von ) (sehr umfangreich in englisch)


noch ein kleiner Nachtrag:

Have a lot of fun


Ich bin auf den Link gegangen den Du mir noch nachgeschickt hast. Habe dort unter OS Machine Compatibility  die ganzen Daten eingegeben, aber das Notebook A30-554 ist dort nicht aufgeführt. Heißt das also, das es nicht kompatibel mit Linux ist?

Auf der Seite habe ich auch nichts finden können!

Gruß Newbie


schaun mer mal was es so zu finden gibt im Netz der Netze

Linux on Toshiba Satellite A30 (A30-554)

Was funktioniert


8139too driver.


ALSA snd-intel8x0 driver.


Summary: Works, minor restrictions

The XFree86 driver to use is i810, supported AFAIK 4.3.0 and up. The Intel 852GM DRI kernel driver provides direct rendering.

The first problem I encountered is that while 24bpp depth is advertised, using this mode causes some weird X problems, and when back in a VT, the VT graphics will be corrupt (still usable, but flickering horizontal lines). 16bpp depth works fine, perhaps this issue will be resolved in a future i810 driver version.

The second problem I encountered is while attempting to switch to S-Video output with the built-in button. It appears that no matter what, the display becomes corrupt on the TV and the LCD display when done from X. Doing it from console first, then starting X in 800x600 resolution works.

Summary: Works, with some minor problems.

Supported kernel ACPI modules: AC Adapter, Battery, Button and Processor. Battery and AC information is correctly reported, and button/lid events are properly detected.

CPU Frequency scaling also works, with two different frequencies. On the default "performance" mode, the notebook runs at it's regular speed of 2500MHz. When set to "powersave" mode, the clock is scaled down to 1250MHz. The correct CPUFreq processor driver is the "ACPI Processor P-States" driver.

The only problem I have encountered so far is very ugly. When running battery monitoring dockapps (wmab and wmpower, so far), the system suffers from sporadic complete lock-ups. The entire system freezes, and no information is to be found in the logs after a reboot. This problem seems to occur only during periods of user inactivity (mouse, keyboard), ranging from 10 seconds to 10 minutes.

After some further work, I seem to have narrowed it down to the rate at which these programs access the ACPI files under /proc. They sit in a while(1) loop, and just suck the information out as fast as they can. With some throttling, the problems have cleared up. Here is a patch for wmab-0.3 that creates a #define in wmab.h that allows you to specify the interval of updates in seconds (5s works fine for me).

Power Management

    * S1 - standby: Seems to work, but returns immediately.
    * S3 - mem: Does not work. Enters the pm mode fine, but upon returning, the system seems to freeze (lcd never gets power back at all)
    * S4 - disk: CONFIG_PM_DISK: Works, but NOT with X running. Whether you are in it or switched to a VT, resuming will crash your system.

I suspect the cause of many of these power management problems are due to device drivers in the 2.6 kernel not being converted to the new format yet (so says the kernel documentation).


Summary: Works, but no tones

The modem is a Winmodem. To use it, you must use a proprietary kernel module, accomanied by a userspace daemon. The driver I used is slmodem-2.9.4, available here. I tried the 2.6 ALSA patch provided, but upon modprobing the kernel oopses and modprobe segfaults. Oh well, they do describe it as "almost untested"...

The only thing I do not like, is not being able to hear the modem at all, when dialing, handshaking, or otherwise. There's something nostalgic about it.. :)
Special Stuff

There is a kernel driver called "omnibook" that allows configuration of advanced features. This patch to the current (at time of writing) stable release (omnibook-2004-01-20) will allow the driver to correctly identify the machine. As well, here is a hotkeys definition for use with the driver.

Was soll dir dieser Text nun sagen ? DVD rein und los!

Tipp: Einige Toshibas machen Probleme mit der Tastatur.

Workaround : Die Datei /etc/sysconfig/sax bearbeiten und

KBD_BOUNCE_FIX='yes'      eintragen

Have a lot of fun

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