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Mac OS X: ISync nach Tiger Update


ich habe Tiger installiert und nun sagt mir isync dass es mein Handy nicht unterstützt (Siemens S65). Vor dem Tiger update hat das optimal funktioniert.
Danke schon mal.

Antworten zu Mac OS X: ISync nach Tiger Update:

Hallo, das geht problemlos nach folgender Änderung

It was de-activated in Tiger because the firmware in the S65 are too buggy.
You can do this to re-active it:

Go into Application, click on iSync and do Show Package Content.
Edit the
metaclass.plist in:
Content -> Plugins -> ApplePhoneConduit.syncdevice -> Contents -> Plugins -> PhoneModelsSync.phoneplugin -> Contents -> Resources -> Metaclass.plist

Now copy the com.siemens.s55 into a new com.siemens.s65
change the identification for SIEMENS+S65

In Services -> 0 -> ServiceProperties -> ModelName -> put S65

it's probably easier to use a plain text editor and copy the data from S55 into S65 and change what I mentioned above.
Should work, but it's not supported


stammt aus einer englischen Hilfe, klappt hervorragend.
Gruß Antworter

Hallo, das geht problemlos nach folgender Änderung

It was de-activated in Tiger because the firmware in the S65 are too buggy.
You can do this to re-active it:

Go into Application, click on iSync and do Show Package Content.
Edit the
metaclass.plist in:
Content -> Plugins -> ApplePhoneConduit.syncdevice -> Contents -> Plugins -> PhoneModelsSync.phoneplugin -> Contents -> Resources -> Metaclass.plist

Now copy the com.siemens.s55 into a new com.siemens.s65
change the identification for SIEMENS+S65

In Services -> 0 -> ServiceProperties -> ModelName -> put S65

it's probably easier to use a plain text editor and copy the data from S55 into S65 and change what I mentioned above.
Should work, but it's not supported


stammt aus einer englischen Hilfe, klappt hervorragend.
Gruß Antworter

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