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Word office 2003

I have a small MS Word problem. Every time I change the formatting of a selected word or portion of text, the ENTIRE document is reformatted into this style (for example bold, italics or red). When I use undo (ctrl-z) it changes the format of the document back, leaving changes to the word or portion I wanted to change. I have seen in another forum that I should delete the "" file in the "application data" folder, but I have no access to this folder under VISTA!!! Can someone give some practical advise on this issue??

Thanks for the help.

Charel Marais

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Are you Administrator or use these rights? U must be that. The File can you delete or renaming (e.g. The Folder of that file is


Word must be closed and all Office-Programs (Outlook) ...

« Win XP: Open Office AnwendungInternet Explorer 5.0 oder 6.0 »

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