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Gamepad wird nicht erkannt


ich habe gerade das Gravis Gamepad pro am Computer über den GamePort angeschlossen. Dann habe ich in der Systemsteuerung bei Gamecontrollern das Gravis Gamepad Pro hinzugefügt. Leider wird beim Status trotzdem "nicht Verbunden" angezeigt. Was kann nun das Problem sein? GamePort und Gamepad funktionieren übrigens beide zu 100%.


Antworten zu Gamepad wird nicht erkannt:

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Danke ButtonHilfreiche Antwort Button
Wo ist das Problem wenns funktioniert?

The problem resides either in your computer's game port or in the switch and software settings for your pad.

The left most position is the GrIP position, which is used for games that support digital controllers (or use the Gravis Xperience software for keyboard emulation). If a second GamePad Pro is connected to the first, both controllers can use all of their buttons when both are in GrIP mode.

The middle position is 2-player game pad mode, where another game pad can be connected to the GamePad Pro. In this case, both controllers will be set to '2-button game pad' in Game Controllers (in the Control Panel). However, only two buttons will work on each controller. In this mode, the connection on the back of the GamePad Pro connector acts as a built in Y-cable. Make sure to calibrate and test both joysticks before using them.

The far right position on the GamePad Pro is the 1-player game pad position, which allows you to use the four main buttons. Game Controllers in the Control Panel should be set to '4-button game pad.' You can only use one controller in this mode.

If your listing matches your button settings and the problem persists, try the following steps. After each step, check to see if the problem has been corrected.

Remove the controller from the game port and reconnect it. Make sure the connection is tight.

Use the Windows Device Manager to confirm that your sound/game card is using standard settings. Here's how:

Click Start.
Click Settings.
Double-click System.
Click the Device Manager Tab.
Make sure the button "View Devices by Type" is selected. If not, click it.
Look for the branch "Sound, Video, and Game Controllers."
If there is a plus to its left, click to make it a minus.
Look for "Gameport Joystick" or a similar brand name, such as "Creative Gameport Joystick." Note: "Creative Gameport Joystick" can be listed under "Creative Miscellaneous Devices" instead of "Sound, Video, and Game Controllers"
If you find more than one "Gameport Joystick," remove them all and reboot like this:

Highlight each "Gameport Joystick," one at a time, and click Remove. Repeat until all are gone.
Restart the computer and return to the Device Manager.
If your game/sound card is not plug-'n-play you will need to add the driver yourself. If there is no listing in the Device Manager for "Gameport Joystick" or similar, use Add New Hardware in the Control Panel to add it, as follows:

Click Start.
Click Settings.
Click Control Panel.
Double-click Add New Hardware. Windows will offer you an option to search for the device you are trying to add. Instead, choose the option not to search and add it manually.
When asked what type of device you are adding, choose "Sound, Video & Game Controllers" and click Next.
Choose "Microsoft" as manufacturer and "Gameport Joystick" as the model.
Highlight the "Gameport Joystick" (or similar) and click Properties.
Click the "Resources" Tab and look for "input/output" range.
The range should be either "0201-0201" or "0200-0207." If it isn't, do this:
Uncheck "Use Automatic Settings."
Look for a drop-down menu with "Basic Configuration" choices. Try another "Basic Configuration" to see if it matches the above requirements.
If you are unable to change the setting to either of the two ranges listed above, contact the manufacturer of your computer or game/sound card for assistance.

Once your settings match one of the ranges listed above, restart the computer.
Return to the Device Manager to confirm that the "Gameport Joystick" settings in the Device Manager are still correct.

Check which version of DirectX you are using. If you are using any version of DirectX other than 8.1 upgrade it to DirectX 8.1. To see which version you have, do this:

Click Start.
Click Run.
In the run box type in 'DxDiag'
In a few seconds, you will see the DirectX diagnostics page.
Look for the DirectX version.
To upgrade go to and download the full version of 8.1.

Remove all the controllers listed in the Game Controllers applet in Control Panel. Then add back only the controllers that are currently attached, in the order they are connected. To do this:

If you have USB controllers, unplug them now.
Click Start.
Click Settings.
Click Control Panel.
Double-click Game Controllers.
Highlight each controller, one by one, and click Remove.
Repeat until all are gone.
Use the Add button to add the controllers you have attached.
Calibrate and test the controllers attached to the game port. Then re-attach your USB controllers.

If your game port is on a soundcard which uses the ESS or OPTI chip set and a digital device is not connected (i.e. Gravis GamePad Pro in GRIP mode shows a status of "not connected," but works in 1-player mode) do the following:

Click Start.
Click Settings.
Click Control Panel
Double-click the Multimedia icon in Control Panel.
Click the Advanced or Devices tab.
Click the + next to Audio Devices to expand it.
Click the "Audio for..." entry that corresponds to your soundcard. Then click Properties.
Click Settings.
Click the Use Single Mode DMA check box to select it.
Click OK to return to Windows.
Restart the computer.

Your computer may have "ghost" drivers. Boot to Safe Mode to check and correct this. Here's how:

Click Start.
Click Shut Down.
Click "Restart" or "Restart your computer."
Click OK.
Press the F8 key continually until you see the Windows Start Up Menu.
Choose "Safe Mode" (usually option 3) and press Enter. (Windows will start).

Click Start.
Click Settings.
Double-click System.
Click the Device Manager Tab.
Make sure the button "View Devices by Type" is selected. If not, click it.
Look for the branch "Sound, Video, and Game Controllers."
If there is a plus to its left, click to make it a minus.
Look for "Gameport Joystick" or a similar brand name, such as "Creative Gameport Joystick." Note: "Creative Gameport Joystick" can be listed under "Creative Miscellaneous Devices" instead of "Sound, Video, and Game Controllers"
Highlight each "Gameport Joystick," one at a time, and click Remove. Repeat until all are gone.
Restart the computer

Windows should detect new hardware: "Gameport Joystick" or a similar device.
Return to the Device Manager and see if Windows added a "Gameport Joystick" or a similar device.
If Windows didn't install a "Gameport Joystick" or a similar device, do this:

Click Start.
Click Settings.
Click Control Panel.
Double-click Add New Hardware.
Windows will offer you an option to search for the device you are trying to add. Instead, choose the option not to search and add it manually.
When asked what type of device you are adding, choose "Sound, Video & Game Controllers" and click next.
Choose "Microsoft" as manufacturer and "Gameport Joystick" as the model.

Use DEBUG to test the status of the game port (Do this test only if all other possibilities fail).

Click Start.
Click Programs.
Click "MS-DOS Prompt."
Type "debug" and press Enter (a hyphen will appear).
Type "i 201" and press Enter. Write down the two-letter code that appears on the screen.
Type "q" and press Enter to exit the Debug program to DOS.
Type "exit" and press Enter to return to Windows.
If the code you wrote down was "FF," your game port may not be enabled or may be malfunctioning. Contact the manufacturer of your computer or game port manufacturer for assistance.

Wenn dein Browser funktioniert, dann hättest du auch selber bei Gravis nachgucken könnenachgucken können ...  ;D


Also, der untere Beitrag, scheint echt sehr hilfreich zu sein. Leider verstehe ich einige Dinge in diesem Text nicht, kann desshalb nicht alles durchführen. Wäre nett wenn es jemand auf Deutsch schreiben könnte oder so.

Vielen Dank

Das selbe habe ich schon bei Altavista versucht. Leider werden die Fachbegriffe nicht richtig übersetzt.

Ich gehe jetzt mal davon aus, du hast Win XP und meinst den Artikel mit dem Debug-Modus. Hier steht:

Benutzen Sie den DEBUG-Modus um den Status des Gameports zu testen (führen Sie diesen Test nur durch, wenn alle weiteren Möglichkeiten scheitern).

Klicke auf Start --> Alle Programme --> Zubehör --> Eingabeaufforderung

oder einfacher:

Klicke auf Start --> Ausführen und gib "cmd" ein.

Tippe "debug" ein und drücke die Eingabetaste.(ein Bindestrich erscheint).
Tippe "i 201" ein und drücke die Eingabetaste. Darunter werden nun zwei Zeichen ausgegeben.
Tippe "q" und drücke die Eingabetaste um den Debug-Modos zu verlassen und zu DOS zurückzukehren.
Tippe "exit" und drücke die Eingabetaste um zu Windows zurückzukehren.
Ist der ausgegebene Code "FF," dann ist dein Gameport nicht aktiviert oder funktioniert nicht richtig. Kontaktiere den Hersteller deines Computers oder deiner Sound/Gameportkarte.

War das jetzt schwer ???


ich würde das empfehlen


Also wenn ihr dieses Problem habt dann schaut Hier rauf da findet ihr bestimmt was hatte das Problem auch schon!

Sorry der LINK funktioniert nicht.
Hätte auch großes Interesse an der Lösung für den sich einfach nicht mehr verbindenden Gamepad !?
Wer weiss noch was ?

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