Frage stellen

2005: 812 Sicherheitslücken in Windows...

2005: 812 Sicherheitslücken in Windows, aber 2328 in Unix/Linux.

Cyber Security Bulletin 2005 Summary

2005 Year-End Index

Information in the US-CERT Cyber Security Bulletin is a compilation and includes information published by outside sources, so the information should not be considered the result of US-CERT analysis. Software vulnerabilities are categorized in the appropriate section reflecting the operating system on which the vulnerability was reported; however, this does not mean that the vulnerability only affects the operating system reported since this information is obtained from open-source information.

This bulletin provides a year-end summary of software vulnerabilities that were identified between January 2005 and December 2005. The information is presented only as a index with links to the US-CERT Cyber Security Bulletin the information was published in. There were 5198 reported vulnerabilities: 812 Windows operating system vulnerabilities; 2328 Unix/Linux operating vulnerabilities; and 2058 Multiple operating system vulnerabilities.

Antworten zu 2005: 812 Sicherheitslücken in Windows...:


also Finger weg von diesen unsicheren Unix/Linux!!!!

Da haben aber viele bei Unix gesucht , um WIN zu entlasten  ! Dabei hat windows seine Fehler & Lücken einfach nir besser versteckt (closed source)  ;D>:( ???

« Freunde des runden Leders...Fehler im Script.... »

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