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C# read file, streamreader, create graphics

Hi eweryone out there,
Can someone help me please, I am beginner in C#, and I need help now with my project. I cant do it allone.
I have an INPUT file, (its a text file) and in this file there are few timesteps (few groups), and for every timestep I have set of NOdes (points) .. Every set of nodes creates a line, and every point has X and Y coordinates inside my input file.
Now I have to read those points and put them in array i think.. After that it should be shown in one panel in main form - for each step new line.. At least this should looks like a line which changes shape during the time (time steps..)
Can someone help me please, Im stuck with it..
I have VS.NET 2003

I can send this input file if someone will take a look of it..

Please help me,
regards, ..adnan.h..

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My english isn't that good but I hope I can help you. So you have to read a file with x,y Koordinaten and put them into an array, an draw a graphic with this koordinaten. If this is your problem I may help you. If not, please tell me once more.

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