Frage stellen

Virus Alert - E-Mail von Proland Software

This email comes to you from the Virus Emergency Response Team at Proland Software.

Two variants of W32/Stration worm are heavily spreading in the Internet. We have received numerous reports of infection of W32/Stration.B and W32/Stration.C variants of the worm.

The infected email contains a message that there was an error while receiving an email and it is attached in binary format. This is to confuse the users and entice them to click on the attachment.

The worm carries a double extension attachment. The first extension will be DOC, ELM, LOG or TXT and the second extension BAT, CMD, EXE, PIF or SCR. In some cases there may be lot of blank spaces in between the first and the second extension.

Users are advised to be cautious while handling any email attachment. Those users who have installed Protector Plus and enabled Email Scan, these variants will be detected as suspicious files. You are advised to enable Email Scan feature of Protector Plus to protect yourself in advance against these kinds of threats. Others can download the latest update of Protector Plus to protect against these worms.

You can learn more about these worms at:

Antworten zu Virus Alert - E-Mail von Proland Software:

PS: Das ist eine Nachricht keine Frage.

Ich hoffe es kann sich jeder was draus nehmen. ;)

Mir ist die Meldung eigentlich auch egal. :)
Ich bekomme nur den Newsletter von Proland S. weil ich mal Projector Plus
heruntergeladen habe. :-\
Ich bekomme öffters solche Meldungen.

Ansonsten wünsche ich allen einen Virenfreien PC. 8)
---MFG GtA FrEaK---

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