Frage stellen

tja das ist nicht gut.

gibts da bestimmte grafikkarten für add2 mainboards?

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bischen spät aber... 922-This system only
supports SDVO/ADD2
cards in the x16 slot.
The SDVO connector on
the system board has the
physical appearance of a
PCI Express x16
connector; however, the
platform does NOT
support the use of
conventional PCI Express
cards or reversed-layout
ADD2 cards.
The platform only supports the use of
normal (or non-reversed) layout ADD2
(Advances Digital Display 2) adapter
cards inserted into the SVDO (Serial
Digital Video Output) connector on the
platform’s system board. ADD2 cards
are used to give multi-monitor
capabilities to the integrated graphics

das bedeutet ich kanns vergessen?!

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