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Brauche Englisch Hilfe...

Weiß das ich hier nicht im richtigen Forum bin muss baer bis morgen folgenden Text überstzten sitze jetzt schon seit 2 Stundne drüber komme einfach nicht weiter schätze mal ich braucht für den Text so um die 10 Minuten...

A protest meeting.

A GM crops trial has been planned near a small village in Devon. Local villagers and farmers have been invited to a meeting with Mr West, a reprehensive from council, and Mr Prie from the company involved, Easygrow.

Mr West: Good evening. I´d like to ask you to welcome Mr Price from Easygrow who is going to present his company plans and then answer any questions you may have.

Mr. price: Good evening. First, I´d like to thank you for turning up in such large numbers. I am sure most of you have heard a lot about GM crops. I´d like to give you the facts as far as Easygrow is concerned… Now, if any of you have any questions.

Mr. Davieds: Yes. Can you explain why we hear so much about the unknown dangers of GM crops ? If GM crops are so safe, why don’t you take your test to a deserted island or to central London if theyre as safe as you claim?

Mr. Price: I can understand your concern. If I had to rely on what I read in the newspaper about GM crops, I would probably be very concerned myself. Let me give you a few facts: Over 25,000 tests have been done with these crops in the States without on single problem. I can assure you that the risk arrached to using GM crops are no greater than the risk attached to using ordinary crops.

Mrs Patel: Which risks? Can you honestly tell us that you know all of the possible risk involved? There’s the risk of your plants causing allergies – and what is GM trial material gets into animal feed and then end up on our plates? Do you know what all the possible health risks might be? 

Mr. Price: I am glad you mentioned health. Did you know that as far health care is concerned, we are already enjoying many of the benefits of genetic engineering?  Many illnesses can now be treated more successfully thanks to genetically modified material.

Mr. West. And is would bring jobs to the area!

Mr. Taylor: And what does that have to do with crops? Jobs and healthcare benefits are all very well, but you can’t convince me that super crops are necessary. These trails won’t just fields they’ll affect the farm animals and wildlife, too.

Mr. Davies: Yes, and local gardens that our children play in!

Mr Price: If I can come back to first point, Mr….

Mr. Taylor: Taylor

Mr. Price: Thank you, Mr Taylor. GM crops have some great benefits. They can be modified so that no pesticides are necessary. That means fewer poisons and fewer allergies.  And insects will not be killed, so in fact we can use GM crops to protect the environment for our children. And we can grow crops more successfully and more quickly.

Mr. Green: he does have a point. It’s all very well for us to say we don’t want GM crops. We’ve go enough to eat. What about people in poorer countries?
Mrs. Patel: If you think you can stand there and tell us that Easygrow aim is to feed starving people in the Third World, ypu can think again. Easygrow is out to make money and we will have to pay the price.

Mr Taylor: What happens if your tests go wrong ? My family has had a farm here for fifty years. I´m worried that GM crops will get out of control. There’re less than five miles anyway from my land…

Miss Richards: perhaps we are all being selfish. If nobody allowed trials using new technologies, then we would never make any progress. 


Antworten zu Brauche Englisch Hilfe...:

Weiß das ich hier nicht im richtigen Forum bin muss aber bis morgen folgenden Text übersetzten sitze jetzt schon seit 2 Stundne drüber komme einfach nicht weiter schätze mal ihr braucht für den Text so um die 10 Minuten...

A protest meeting.

A GM crops trial has been planned near a small village in Devon. Local villagers and farmers have been invited to a meeting with Mr West, a reprehensive from council, and Mr Prie from the company involved, Easygrow.

Mr West: Good evening. I´d like to ask you to welcome Mr Price from Easygrow who is going to present his company plans and then answer any questions you may have.

Mr. price: Good evening. First, I´d like to thank you for turning up in such large numbers. I am sure most of you have heard a lot about GM crops. I´d like to give you the facts as far as Easygrow is concerned… Now, if any of you have any questions.

Mr. Davieds: Yes. Can you explain why we hear so much about the unknown dangers of GM crops ? If GM crops are so safe, why don’t you take your test to a deserted island or to central London if theyre as safe as you claim?

Mr. Price: I can understand your concern. If I had to rely on what I read in the newspaper about GM crops, I would probably be very concerned myself. Let me give you a few facts: Over 25,000 tests have been done with these crops in the States without on single problem. I can assure you that the risk arrached to using GM crops are no greater than the risk attached to using ordinary crops.

Mrs Patel: Which risks? Can you honestly tell us that you know all of the possible risk involved? There’s the risk of your plants causing allergies – and what is GM trial material gets into animal feed and then end up on our plates? Do you know what all the possible health risks might be? 

Mr. Price: I am glad you mentioned health. Did you know that as far health care is concerned, we are already enjoying many of the benefits of genetic engineering?  Many illnesses can now be treated more successfully thanks to genetically modified material.

Mr. West. And is would bring jobs to the area!

Mr. Taylor: And what does that have to do with crops? Jobs and healthcare benefits are all very well, but you can’t convince me that super crops are necessary. These trails won’t just fields they’ll affect the farm animals and wildlife, too.

Mr. Davies: Yes, and local gardens that our children play in!

Mr Price: If I can come back to first point, Mr….

Mr. Taylor: Taylor

Mr. Price: Thank you, Mr Taylor. GM crops have some great benefits. They can be modified so that no pesticides are necessary. That means fewer poisons and fewer allergies.  And insects will not be killed, so in fact we can use GM crops to protect the environment for our children. And we can grow crops more successfully and more quickly.

Mr. Green: he does have a point. It’s all very well for us to say we don’t want GM crops. We’ve go enough to eat. What about people in poorer countries?
Mrs. Patel: If you think you can stand there and tell us that Easygrow aim is to feed starving people in the Third World, ypu can think again. Easygrow is out to make money and we will have to pay the price.

Mr Taylor: What happens if your tests go wrong ? My family has had a farm here for fifty years. I´m worried that GM crops will get out of control. There’re less than five miles anyway from my land…

Miss Richards: perhaps we are all being selfish. If nobody allowed trials using new technologies, then we would never make any progress. 




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