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STEAM SUPPORT schreibt mir was was ich tun soll weil mein steam acc deeaktiviert

so ich hab das gekriegt von steam support ich hab ihnen gemeldet dass sie meinen acc deaktiviert haben und ich will ihn wieder bekommen.....also das schrieben sie mal :

Your account appears to have been hijacked again by the same individual who had previously taken control of the account.

You must do the following to ensure that your account is secure before it will be enabled again:
1) Scan your computer for viruses, key loggers, spyware, and other malicious code with a virus scan utility that has the most recent virus definitions.
2) Do not access your Steam Account from internet cafes or shared computers which the hijacker may have access to.
3) Change your Support Account password and the password for the e-mail account you are using to contact Support.
Your account will be disabled until you have completed the list above (in the order provided).
Please notify us when you have completed the checklist. We will enable your account and reset your password once more.
Note: Your account will be permanently disabled if it is hijacked again. The security of your computer and your Steam account information is your responsibility.


Antworten zu STEAM SUPPORT schreibt mir was was ich tun soll weil mein steam acc deeaktiviert:

Und? steht doch alles da,was man zu machen hat.Oder was sollen wir deinem Beitrag entnehmen?

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