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Andere: Ich verstehe das nicht

Verstehe englisch schlecht so viel was ich verstanden habe muss
eine datei downloaden habe ich schon aber ich verstehe das nicht
cd /home/your_username/your_directory was soll ich da ersetzten also
username ist michi bei bei your_directory was ich nicht was ist einsetzen soll
das ist die internet seite

Download an Save to Disc the Streamer Linux Player Installer here  onto your Linux PC.

Released 21st Feb 2008 Version

You can check the file has downloaded correctly by checking it has the same md5 which should read 6c28d41415f1d995cd103846d8733eec


Please Note

If you are installing on Yellow Dog Linux go here and follow the instructions.

If you are installing on Ubuntu follow the instructions below.


2) Open a Terminal on your Linux PC.

3) You must go to the directory where you downloaded the file by typing into the Terminal for example;
cd /home/your_username/your_directory

4) When the Terminal shows you are in the directory, execute the installer by typing in the Terminal;

sudo sh ./

5) Read the README carefully especially about configuring the firewall (see note below)

6) Use the arrows keys to scroll the page, now press q to quit the README.

7) After the installer finishes we need to associate the Streamer Player with the files on our website by opening a Terminal and typing;


For Ubuntu choose the GNOME option. (The KDE option is currently untested but should work.)

8) Browse to the SMG website using Firefox and select a game.

9) The Linux Player will open. Enter your StreamMyGame website username and password.


10) The Linux Player will connect to your Windows PC and start the game and display it on Linux.

11) Click anywhere on the player and you can now use your keyboard and mouse to play the game.


Note on README

You can read the README anytime, by opening the file;

Use the file browser to browse to that directory and open the file in a text editor.

Note on Firewall

On Ubuntu use the Firestarter tool if that is what you have installed
On YellowDog the firewall configuration tool is under the Administration menu

Just add the ports listed in the README

Antworten zu Andere: Ich verstehe das nicht:

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Da steht wortwörtlich:

You must go to the directory where you downloaded the file by typing into the Terminal for example;
cd /home/your_username/your_directory

Sie müssen in das Verzeichnis wechseln, in der sie die Datei gespeichert haben. Geben sie dazu folgendes in ihre Konsole (Terminal) ein (BEispiel)
cd /home/ihr_Benutzername/ihr_Verzeichnis_in_der_die_Datei_gespeichert_wurde

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