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Logo Designer wanted ! ! !

Hi everybody.
I am running Aviasse Music which is music band currently consisting of 6 members.
I am currently updating and redesigning our website ( Since Iam not good in creating graphics, I am looking for someone who would be so kind as to design a logo for our index.html page.

The logo:
 -should include the text 'AviasSe' und 'Music' written in a font type that you will receive from me when willing to design the logo.
 -will be clearly visible as it is to be centered in the index.html and the only text seen except for the logo will be the language selection buttons 'English' and 'German' and a horizontal line.
 -should look impressive,professional. not:childish,cheap...

If you are interested in taking this logo designing, please contact [email protected] or post a message to this forum!
Please note that you will not receive money for that.. It is more like a favor. The designer's name, contact info and homepage address can be shown on the imprint page... Also he/she can join the Aviasse Music Team, if desired.

Thank you for your interest.


Antworten zu Logo Designer wanted ! ! !:


This is german forum, please speak/write german!

Thanks!  :)

Gruß Jonny  8)

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