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Mac OS X: HELP for Powerbook G4 Airport to WLAN T-Dsl & T-Online

Hallo zusammen,

I am a new comer in Germany " und mein Deutsch ist noch nicht so gut", at list to be able to set up the connection of my Powerbook to internet...

I am desperately looking for someone already connected to internet using his Airport with T-DSL as DSL provider and T-Online as internet provider !!!

- I have a Mac Powerbook G4 with airport card but no Airport Base
- My Modem & Router is a T-SINUS 154 DSL SE
- My Mac is detecting the WLAN network perfectly
- But I cannot validate my personal information to be able to connect to internet..
- I don’t know want point I am missing and no one was able to help me with Hotline!!!

So if one f you is capable of explaining me the final set up, with eventual necessary software from the three CD’s I received from T-Dsl, T-online and T-Sinus....

It would be more simple for me to do this by phone. Of course I will call to support all the fees !!!


Malek from Frankfurt am Main

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Eine DSL (Digital Subscriber Line; auch als "adsl - asynchron digital subscriber line" bekannt) Verbindung ist eine neue, schnelle Möglichkeit des Internetzugangs. D...

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