Frage stellen

cisco hilfe

Hallo und zwar bräuchte ich antworten auf die folgenden fragen
wär echt nett wenn ihr mir helfen könntet.Danke schon mal im vorraus.

euer Schbezialischd

Identify two causes of physical layer network problems. (Choose two.)
-logical addressing issues 
-improperly terminated cables
-cables plugged into wrong ports 
-incorrect MAC address assigned 
-packets received out of sequence
-incorrect subnet mask on an interface

What is the purpose of assigning a Network Name of Academy?
-It identifies the wireless LAN.
-It translates IP addresses into easy-to-remember domain names.
-It encrypts data between the wireless client and the access point.
-It allows access to the AP configuration GUI by name rather than address.
-It translates an internal address or group of addresses into an outside, public address.

A wireless DHCP client cannot connect to the Internet through a Linksys integrated router. When you type ipconfig on the host, no IP address, subnet mask, or default gateway shows. What are two of the first things you will check? (Choose two.)
-if the wireless client is configured for DHCP
-the cable between client and integrated router
-the firewall configuration on the integrated router
-if the correct default gateway is configured on the client
-if the correct default gateway is configured on the integrated router

What action will a router take when it receives a frame with a broadcast MAC address?
-It will not forward the frame to another network.
-It forwards the frame back to the sending host with its -IP address as a response.
-It forwards the frame out of all interfaces except the  interface where the frame was received.
-It forwards the frame back out the receiving interface to insure all hosts on the local network receive it.


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